JDOM: Java-based document object model for XML

JDOM is an open source Java-based document object model for XML that was designed specifically for the Java platform so that it can take advantage of its language features. JDOM integrates with Document Object Model (DOM) and Simple API for XML (SAX), supports XPath and XSLT. It uses external parsers to build documents.

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  • JDOM is Java platform specific. The API uses the Java language's built-in String support wherever possible, so that text values are always available as Strings. It also makes use of the Java 2 platform collection classes, like List andIterator, providing a rich environment for programmers familiar with the Java language.
  • No hierarchies. In JDOM, an XML element is an instance of Element, an XML attribute is an instance of Attribute, and an XML document itself is an instance of Document. Because all of these represent different concepts in XML, they are always referenced as their own types, never as an amorphous "node."
  • Class driven. Because JDOM objects are direct instances of classes like Document, Element, and Attribute, creating one is as easy as using the new operator in the Java language. It also means that there are no factory interfaces to configure -- JDOM is ready to use straight out of the jar.
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