A web application framework is a software framework that is designed to support the development of dynamic websites, Web applications and Web services. The framework aims to alleviate the overhead associated with common activities used in Web development. Here is the list of SIX best web frameworks which we are using in Java. Each one has its own advantages.
1. Java Server Faces - JSF
- From Sun Microsystems
- Based on Component Centric approach
- Best Feature : The most using web framework. Because of its component architecture, the developer doesn't need to mess with writing HTML, JavaScript etc to get rich "AJAX" type of functionality. It also takes care of state and event management. It has very less configuration too.
JavaServer Faces (JSF) is a new standard Java framework for building Web applications. It simplifies development by providing a component-centric approach to developing Java Web user interfaces. JavaServer Faces also appeals to a diverse audience of Java/Web developers. "Corporate developers" and Web designers will find that JSF development can be as simple as dragging and dropping user interface (UI) components onto a page, while "systems developers" will find that the rich and robust JSF API offers them unsurpassed power and programming flexibility. JSF also ensures that applications are well designed with greater maintainability by integrating the well established Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern into it's architecture. Finally, since JSF is a Java standard developed through Java Community Process (JCP), development tools vendors are fully empowered to provide easy to use, visual, and productive develop environments for JavaServer Faces.
2. GWT
- From Google
- Based on Widgets
- Best Feature : Speed development. Easy to develop good, neat and "Browser independent" Ajax applications. Give more stress to pure browser independent ;).
Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open source Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications like Google Maps and Gmail easy for developers who don't speak browser quirks as a second language. Writing dynamic web applications today is a tedious and error-prone process; you spend 90% of your time working around subtle incompatibilities between web browsers and platforms, and JavaScript's lack of modularity makes sharing, testing, and reusing AJAX components difficult and fragile.
GWT lets you avoid many of these headaches while offering your users the same dynamic, standards-compliant experience. You write your front end in the Java programming language, and the GWT compiler converts your Java classes to browser-compliant JavaScript and HTML.
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3. Stripes
- From Mc4j
- Based on MVC architecture
- Best Feature: No Configurations :) . Annotation based programming makes coding more interesting and easy.
Stripes is a presentation framework for building web applications using the latest Java technologies. The main driver behind Stripes is that web application development in Java is just too much work! It seems like every existing framework requires gobs of configuration.
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4. Spring MVC
- From SpringSource
- Based on MVC architecture
- Best Feature : Speed development. Now so many Annotations are also included (v2.5). Its from SpringSource and have a good support too.
Spring Web MVC is the own web framework of Spring Framework.The Spring MVC Framework's architecture and design are in such a way that every piece of logic and functionality is highly configurable. Also Spring can integrate effortlessly with other popular Web Frameworks like Struts, WebWork, Java Server Faces and Tapestry. It means that you can even instruct Spring to use any one of the Web Frameworks. More than that Spring is not tightly coupled with Servlets or Jsp to render the View to the Clients. Integration with other View technologies like Velocity, Freemarker, Excel or Pdf is also possible
5. Struts2
- From Apache
- Based on MVC architecture
- Best Feature : No more ActionForms! Use any JavaBean to capture form input or put properties directly on an Action class. Use both binary and String properties! and its enhanced and rich tags
Apache Struts 2 is an elegant, extensible framework for creating enterprise-ready Java web applications. The framework is designed to streamline the full development cycle, from building, to deploying, to maintaining applications over time.
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6. Wicket
- From Apache
- Based on Component Centric approach
- Best Feature : Swing-like OO Component Model. This feature separates Wicket from all other frameworks
With proper mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a refreshing lack of XML, Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again. Swap the boilerplate, complex debugging and brittle code for powerful, reusable components written with plain Java and HTML.
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